The following placeholders can be used within the skin.
- $b = bytes loaded – (use in a text box)
- $t = bytes total – (use in a text box)
- $B = kilo bytes loaded – (use in a text box)
- $T = kilo bytes total – (use in a text box)
- $p = percentage loaded – (use in a text box)
- $n = loading status 0.000 .. 1.000 – (use in a text box)
- $ap = current pan angle – (use in open next panorama target field and text box)
- $an = current pan angle with north setting applied – (use in open next panorama target field and text box)
- $at = current tilt angle – (use in open next panorama target field and text box)
- $af = current field of view – (use in open next panorama target field and text box)
- $cur = current pan/tilt/fov – (use in open next panorama target field)
- $hs = hotspot title – (use in a text box)
- $hu = hotspot URL – (use in open next panorama Url field)
- $ht = hotspot target – (use in open next panorama target field)
User Data
All of the following can be used in a text box or as variable data in the Skin Editor.
- $ut = user data title
- $ud = user data description
- $ua = user data author
- $ue = user data date/time
- $uc = user data copyright
- $us = user data source
- $ui = user data information
- $uo = user data comment
- $lat = user data latitude
- $lng = user data longitude
User Data
All of the following can be used in the output file path. All file names are written without their extensions.
- $n = input image name – (use in the file path when saving projects)
- $p = project name – (use in the file path when saving projects)
- $d = project directory – (use in the file path when saving projects)
- $f = project directory & project name (legacy)
- $i = image directory – (use in the file path when saving projects)
- $t = Date/Time of the input file
- $x = HTML5 tile size – (use when defining tile size in image file name in the Mobile Tab)